Powerful Panes

If it were up to me, then all this glass I’ve come into possession of would be used to construct my Doom Laser 2.0, with new and better features, more responsive controls and the ability to wipe out and compatibility with more gaming platforms. I was well underway before my financing company thwarted my plans, saying that they couldn’t sell a glass controller to kids (of course, letting them have a Doom Laser in the first place is all good). 

Anyway, my business partner wants me to sell on the warehouse full of of glass panels to a company that does commercial glazing. Melbourne, what do you think? Don’t we have enough glass-panelled office buildings and the like? Wouldn’t you rather have a glass Doom Laser? There are loads of uses for it in commercial glazing, I suppose, like installing glass stair balustrades. Melbourne businesses, is this something that’s still popular?

If I comply with everyone’s wishes, I suppose I’ll make a bit of money out of it. This glass is exceptionally tough, and high quality to boot. I tried breaking a piece and it wasn’t easy, and when I did the shards weren’t sharp at all. That’s all down to the construction, I guess, which I don’t really understand. But it’s main selling feature for commercial use is its ability to filter light without creating too much of a darkening effect. Basically, it’s tinted glass, but it’s so well done that the glass appears totally clear. 

I don’t know. I didn’t get into the gaming industry to find myself supplying glass to commercial window replacement companies, nor did I spend six years studying software engineering at uni to come up with anything less than the most innovative controller on the market. Materials are the latest area of innovation when it comes to these things, I’m sure of it, and I feel certain that glass is just about to take off. 

That said, maybe I should spend some time around professional glaziers to learn as much as I can about working with it, and supplying glass panels wouldn’t be a bad way to do that.